Gold or Silver – Which is Better Investment?

Gold Or Silver – Which Is A Better Option for Investment? If you are willing to make investments in precious metals like gold, silver, or others, the early excitement sometimes quickly transform into frustration. This is because of the multitude of availability of these materials. It is necessary to do deep and thoughtful research towards … Read more

Top 2 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Gold

Because gold has a recognized value worldwide, it had been used as a universal currency dating back to the Byzantine Empire. However, upon the signing of the Bretton Woods Agreement back in 1944, the US dollar has replaced the gold in being a universal currency. But that didn’t stop gold from being a valued asset. … Read more

Investing in gold and silver. Why do we invest?

investing in gold and silver

Why do we invest? As elementary as that question is, the answer is worth restating here: we invest to secure our money and to reap interest on the initial investment.  There are many investment vehicles.  Some are: stocks, crypto-currency (Bitcoin for example), real-estate, bonds  and precious metals (gold and silver). Investing in gold and silver … Read more

Cyber currency: the best investment choice for an increasingly cyber world, a bad investment as it is, or something else entirely?

If you’re already familiar with cyber currency you might be wondering what the critique or support over the particular cyber currency called Bitcoin in this article will be about. However, what about the following cyber currencies: Ethereum, Fatcom, MaidSafe, or Ripple? By considering the vast spectrum of crypto currencies as a whole in addition to … Read more

What is fiat money?

Fiat Money

According to InvestorWords, fiat money is money which has no intrinsic value and cannot be redeemed for any commodity, but is made legal tender through government decree. If something has no intrinsic value and can’t be redeemed for anything that does, how could people value such a thing? In other words, how can such a … Read more

What is money?

What is money?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of money is something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment. So, what is money? This definition has three critical components: • Generally accepted as a medium of exchange • A measure of value • A means of payment … Read more

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